Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Dead Head of State

George Bush, bible stupid and smug
sweeps evidence under the rug
Ignoring the facts
as "decider", he acts
Our first sanctimonius thug


Norm Knott said...

Dick Nixon was bad but he's worse
And Reagan, at least, did rehearse
Bush's reign was a sin
But if McCain gets in
Let's call for our country a hearse

surly hack said...

Unlike our man Bush, shown the door
McCain hasn't started a war
A hothead, of course,
he might mount a horse
and ride like T.R. to fight more

Norm Knott said...

Crazed right-wingers hate John McCain
Young Sarah's the one, it's quite plain
Why wait for a stroke?
They may go for broke
And crown her by having John slain

surly hack said...

As pages from Mad mag are torn conspiracy theories are born
One has to be dense
to find any sense
in that rusty can of creamed corn