Showing posts with label Florida. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Florida. Show all posts

Friday, March 20, 2020

The Face On the Barroom Florida

Spring Breakers were throwing a bash
And business was raking in cash
The Governor snoozed
As college crowds boozed
When health is at stake, why act rash?

Looks like local officials have acted to finally close beaches in Florida, stepping in while the state's Governor (seen above, with the Pres) dithered and refused to take charge. A phrase comes to mind...something about a barn door?

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Beach Blanket Bimbo

A Jersey shore gal named Sharona
spent break with her pals in Daytona.
She drank and she kissed,
perhaps swam where they pissed,
and now she's contracted corona.

Dan Shea

Dan Shea is a West Virginia writer who often writes about his conflicted relationship with Appalachia. Also, a movie he wrote, Dreamkatcher, drops VOD 4-28-20. Watch the trailer, here.