Thursday, September 24, 2020

Crappy Ever After

They struggled a lot with the ending
Some mugs thought the plot needed mending
From the stalls came a scheme
"Let it all be a dream!"
With a shrug, this was shot. Condescending.

David Cairns

George Sanders and Ella Raines pretend to be thrilled that the studio changed the ending to The Strange Affair of Uncle Harry (Robert Siodmak; 1945). From David Cairns: "Test audiences of TSAOUH were offered six endings to choose from, and opted for perhaps the worst. The best solution is to pretend the last scene isn't there. The penultimate one is the true climax to the story." Not only did they run the above admonishment over the end, but in the new closing scene someone made Raines wear that ridiculous hat.

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