The era that stretched the film screen
plumbed depth that had never been seen
Both monster attacks
and starlets with racks
stood out from the flat mise-en-scene

Dimension that normal film lacks
soon dripped from 3-D House of Wax
But first Bwana Devil
raised crap to new level
as lions ate tribesman as snacks

If you have a pair of red and blue 3-D glasses,
put 'em on and view the poster below in 3-D!

I've loved 3-D ever since I saw Richard Corben's
Deep 3-D Comix in 1970. My greatest 3-D film
experience was a showing of Dial M for Murder
and Spooks in the original Polarized process.
These two films represent the polars of 3-D:
Hitchcock's restrained and formally brilliant use
of 3-D might be art, while The Three Stooges
threw everything at--and through--the screen,
in the greatest piece of 3-D entertainment.
Recommended reading on 3-D:
Amazing 3-D, by Morgan and Symmes.
To read an informative article on St. John,
which published the first 3-D comics by
artists Joe Kubert and Norman Maurer,
click here. Ray Zone's 3-D Zone site is here
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