Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Writer's Blockhead

It's late in the day, want to dose
But still have a line to compose
My head's full enough
But all of it's fluff
Thank God I am not writing prose


  1. Clear that junk from your eyes, and post-haste!
    You just don't have one moment to waste!
    Many fans are leap-frogging
    To eye-ball your next blogging
    If you fail, well, they'll mash you to paste!

  2. Hey, pal, there's no time to feel listless
    The public is a fickle mistress
    Your lines are awaited
    With breath that is bated
    So emerge from your little chrysalis

  3. It's hard to continue to doze
    While reading the rot you compose
    From sleep I awake
    And do double-take
    And never my eyes again close!

  4. Well, I never, I do declare
    Been treated like this anywhere
    Your words cause much pain
    When we meet again
    A new one for you I will tear!

  5. They say words won't break human bones
    That harm will come from sticks and stones
    But feelings are real
    And jibes some guys feel
    Especially guys like old crones

  6. I'll show you, you young whippersnapper
    I'll teach you to open your yapper
    I'll pound some respect
    Straight down your neck
    But first,I must go use the crapper

    (damn prostate)
