Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Let's Kill Uncle Ben

by Backthrow

Today's ode to a favorite food: Rice
Steamed/fried/puffed, any way will suffice
That paddy-grown grain
Sends joy through my brain
Those were ant eggs you served me?? What?!? TWICE?!?


  1. Mmm…sushi, stir fried, Bi Bim Bop
    That last comes with fried egg on top
    Served sticky it's sweet
    Like Rice Krispy Treat
    I love rice so much I can’t STOP!

  2. At brides and grooms rice once was thrown
    In modern times rice is now known
    To be conniving
    And for war striving
    That's what Condileeza has shown

  3. I just can't get enough of the stuff
    Minute Rice is not quite quick enough
    For dinner each night
    I cook it up right
    It's a winner: Light ivory fluff!

  4. I bow to my fellow rice-fiend
    His appetite for, I just gleaned
    For Breakfast and Sup
    He'll gobble it up
    You slob, that pan needs to be cleaned!

  5. Ask Norman to wipe up that dish
    To clean after me is his wish
    As a guy, he's a bit
    How shall I put it?
    Let's say he's a bit of a "swish"

  6. Now I grok your domestical scene--
    Norm performs his thrice-daily routine:
    After sating your hunger,
    He plays 'Felix Unger';
    Your dishes are always kept clean!

  7. How queer of you, dear, to say that stuff
    I guess it makes you feel big and tough
    Just you wait and see
    Cuz your latency
    Will always arise to call your bluff

  8. I notice a trash can is near
    Ev'ry lim'rick that I post here
    It may be minimal
    But it's subliminal
    Meaning to me is quite clear

  9. SurlyH sure is one brazen bloke
    Making you, Norm, the butt of his joke
    You can stifle his plans
    By alerting his fans
    He was seen with Boy George doing coke!

  10. Be careful when casting aspersion
    When full of indecent peversion
    The calling of names here
    Is not a child's game, dear
    But dangerous adults-only version

  11. Be careful when writing 'bout sex here
    Cuz Surl will give you a stern lecture
    Lots of teeth gnashing
    Complete with tongue lashing
    EE-Yuk! That's an ECH!-rated picture

  12. It's not, sir, that I am a prude
    But you who are vulgar and rude
    When insults are thrown
    You try to disown
    The fruits of your bad attitude

  13. Just who are you calling a fruit, sir?
    Do you want a taste of my boot, sir?
    I know you're a lover
    Of vulcanized rubber
    Just don't nibble thru to my foot, sir!

  14. "Bwaa-ha-ha-ha-haaa!", chortle I
    Neither knows where my sympathies lie
    When brother fights brother
    They'll wipe out each other
    My complicity in, I'll deny!

  15. Gadzooks! Golly gosh! And Good Lord!
    This back-and-forth chat's got me bored
    I want any more
    I'll crack closet door
    And visit those who I've deplored

  16. SurlyH and Boy George did no coke
    It's clear, from right here, I misspoke
    Subject matter's turned creepy
    From the fighting, you're sleepy
    A truce can we call? Okey-doke!

  17. Like Tweedledum and Tweedle Dee Dee
    Exchanging words so impolitely
    We've wasted our time
    Insulting in rhyme
    We're making this blog site unsightly

  18. This post started out very nice
    Then we added far too much spice
    A dish causing pain
    That was about grain
    Nutrish and delicious--dat's RICE!

  19. Both grains--long and short, and basmati
    Types plain, extra fancy, all hotties
    If future, bleak world
    Disdained this starch, pearled
    I’d have to say "Beam me up, Scotty!"

  20. Nearly everyone savors rice pudding
    From Linda Hunt to Cuba Gooding
    I fed some one day
    To a grim emigre
    He smiled, said, "Now understooding."

  21. In extolling rice, you've let loose
    Releasing your creative juice
    Would it be vulgar
    To mention bulgur?
    I so like the taste of couscous

  22. Some couscous will spruce up a goose
    As long as it's lathered in juice
    Pan drippings from bird
    In gold grain are stirred
    And cranberries add touch chartreuse

  23. Howard Hughes once flew a Spruce Goose
    He knew it w'dn't move on couscous
    With nary a care
    He soared in the air
    With juice Doctor Seuss had produced
