Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Bjorn Yesterday

contributor Donald B. Benson is a retired staff writer for the San Jose Mercury News. He takes pictures of discarded furniture and other curious items, and writes limericks. He's also published his first novel, Her Temporary Prince, which you can read about and/or purchase here.

"...a lively farce of crossed wires and competing schemes. What happens afterwards is still farcical ... but fraught with action, cliffhangers, spectacle, love, tears, and Ballyhoo -- the fads, follies and celebrity worship that made the twenties roar.

If you loved "The Prisoner of Zenda", you'll enjoy this affectionate but freewheeling return to Ruritania. It comes complete with passion, daring-do, and even a helping hand from an old Englishman named Rassendyll.

PS: "Her Temporary Prince" contains a little over 223,000 words, so in addition to rich, fleshed-out narrative you're getting Value for Money. And you can be reasonably sure you won't run out of book if you're reading during an airport layover (when you don't want to waste the bestseller you're taking on vacation), or in a DMV line, or over several days of commuting.


  1. Thank you for your unsolicited plug, even though you forgot to mention it's only half as long as "Atlas Shrugged" with twice the (intentional) laughs.
