Monday, March 11, 2013

Five Years Before the Masthead

It's 5 years?!? That's a very long time
I've grown weary, feel buried in rhyme
And with no compensation
Must forgo avocation
As I fear I must scare up a dime.

Today is the 5 year anniversary of LimerWrecks. Writing a limerick a day since 2008 has been a labor of love, but also a burden, and a time consuming activity. I have resisted "monetizing" this blog, i.e. placing ugly ads all over it, and I'd hate to start now. So the time has come to devote myself more fully to being a comic book artist. But don't go away. There are quite a few limericks waiting in the queue, and the blog will continue, though it will now be on an irregular, inspiration only basis. It may even evolve into something else. Our second image is of Debbie Reynolds in Singing in the Rain, a film about the end of an era, as well as the beginning of one.

Thanks to co-LimerWreckers David Cairns and Norm Knott and everyone else for being such good company, and for all the great puns and rhymes. Slap happy anniversary!


  1. Despite all the work and no pay
    A dull boy you're not, I must say
    Amidst all the gloom,
    the murder and doom
    These lim'ricks did brighten one's day
