Monday, April 16, 2012

Anti M

This slasher is killing the kinder
His acts are political tinder
The criminal class
Puts a crimp on his ass
So their cash in the till he can't hinder.

Peter Lorre stars in M (Fritz Lang, 1931). Title by David M Cairns.


  1. I think this one is my new favorite,(well this one and the one about Vampira) even the title is great!

  2. Thanks, Raymond. David Cairns keeps topping himself with the titles. If your are interested in film, be sure to read David's Shadowplay. Just click on his name under "contributors." Though it's likely you've been reading him for years, you being a worldly man of taste and refinement and all.

  3. its "die" kinder, you stupid.

  4. Thank you for the correction, and for offering it in such a polite manner.

  5. gern geschehen, vollkoffer, war mir ein vergnügen. immer wieder eine feine sache, derart unvergorenen peinlichkeiten gewahr zu werden.

  6. As I have already proven, I do not know German. So I used the computer to translate your comment, and here is the result:

    "you're welcome, full suitcase was my pleasure one. always a fine thing to be aware of such unfermented embarrassments."

  7. hahahaha....
    you finally made my day.

    greetings from vienna
