In this trio of E.A. Poe stories
Our hero's walled up by P. Lorre
But as poor Vincent molders
The cat on his shoulder's
A feline memento meow-ori.
David CairnsYou say it's "mori", I say "meow-ori"...Peter Lorre and Vincent Price in "The Black Cat" segment of
Tales of Terror (Roger Corman, 1963).
Images © Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved.David Cairns is a cat with nine lives. Visit his blog
Shadowplay, read his articles at
The Chiseler, and find his rediscoveries every Thursday in
The Forgotten, his column at The Daily Notebook.
Stuck fast to the wall like a moose
ReplyDeleteYou're bricked up alive with a puss
Your intramural activity
Has nothing to give kitty
You'd both be much happier loose.