Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Skin Visible Man

He prances around in the nude
Such antics must sound a bit lewd
But he stays out of sight
through the day and all night,
if perchance he encounters a prude

Vincent Price is heard but not seen in The Invisible Man Returns (Joe May, 1940), returning tonight to Svengoolie on Me-TV. That's Alan Napier (butler Alfred to TV's Batman) on the left in the lobby card--in which the more transparent than invisible man is clearly wearing a suit! What are they trying to do--ruin my gag? And thanks to disappearing D. Cairns for clearing up the title.


  1. He prances around in the nude
    In populous places - not good
    Thank God he's unseen
    Or it might be obscene
    In any polite neighbourhood.

  2. David's limericks are always best when read with a Scottish lilt! Kinda like this one...

    That Cairns is a kilt wearing dude.
    Whenever he tilts he's half nude.
    He touches his toes
    and much is exposed,
    including his stilt made of wood.
