Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Last Night I Dreamt of Mandibles

As a boy I had dreams I could fly
where I'd soar on a breeze through the sky
But now that I'm grown
all such fancies have flown
There's no joy in my green insect eye

Patricia Owens gazes into the eyes of The Fly (Kurt Neumann, 1958). Image source: DVD Beaver. Our 100th year anniversary tribute to the films of Vincent Price continues...apparently with or without Vincent Price! Thanks to David Cairns for dreaming up the title. Okay, film buffs, that title is a play on a famous opening line from what novel and film of the same name? And what is the actual line?


  1. I just love the word "mandibles" -- see also "Captain Corelli's Mandibles".

  2. Mandibles is indeed a great word. Films they should have made: "Mandible the Magician", "The Last Mandible on Earth", "Green Mandibles", perhaps even "Mandingo's Mandibles". And of course they would all star Mandible Patinkin.

  3. Then there's that play about an actress who knew her way around a pipe wrench..."A Mandible Plumber"

  4. This is all a bunch of mandibaloney!

  5. Now, now, don't fly off the mandible!

  6. Wow! Anonymous, thanks for sending the single most bizarre spam I have ever received. Clearly I didn't have enough surreal commercialism in my life. However, you answered the question incorrectly. You lose!
