Sunday, July 31, 2011

Fly Hard With a Vengeance

Like some slow-witted, inbred sub-cretin,
by the lowliest insect I'm beaten
I'd fly straight away
but it isn't my day
I'll know it the instant I'm eaten

I've had nothing but bad to worse luck
First a bug in my lab ran amok
Now my head is so tiny
when I yell I sound whiny
By a rock I'm about to be struck

Herbert Marshall and Vincent Price have had enough of these damn limericks about The Fly (Kurt Neumann, 1958).


  1. In a network of fine sticky thread
    I'm entangled to keep spiders fed
    You'd think I was cursed
    And to make matter worse
    I get smacked with a rock till I'm dead.

  2. He had tried to send matter through space
    Now part fly, his demise he must face
    To death he'll be beaten
    or by spider be eaten
    He is caught 'tween a rock and hard place

  3. It looks like our hero is stuck
    The choices he faces both suck
    But how can he choose
    between two ways to lose?
    He'll die like a fly or a schmuck

  4. As the mandibles crunch into bone
    And his life is snuffed out by a stone
    Will what flashes past his eyes
    Be his life, or the fly's?
    This is nature's eternal unknown.

  5. By nature a man or a beast?
    The greatest with taint of the least?
    Original sin
    or Darwinian kin?
    Does a scientist answer or priest?

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