Monday, March 7, 2011

Send in the Marine

The creepy aquarium scene
Just what do those sea creatures mean?
Symbolic? Poetic?
For certain kinetic
They move and envelop the screen

Welles, Hayworth visit the aquarium in The Lady From Shanghai (Orson Welles, 1948).


  1. The appearance of creatures aquatic,
    In a scene of romance so ecstatic,
    Means Rita, though dishy,
    Is also quite fishy,
    Or maybe they're just enigmatic?

    Welles' shark tale expresses thematic
    Ideas that are soon made dramatic
    For nature's aggression
    Leads to the expression
    Of a climax that's quite operatic.

  2. She looks a dish that's delicious
    but something makes Orson suspicious
    Though Welles wants to sleep
    with Rita, down deep
    he's worried he'd sleep with the fishes

  3. You might think this dame's pretty neat
    But beware, 'cause she's packing some heat
    If you woo Mrs Bannister
    Like spam in a canister
    You'll end up no more than dead meat.

  4. By Rita he's pulled in the drink
    and deep in the murk starts to sink
    Then stuck in the muck
    he's struck he's a schmuck
    and something is starting to stink
