Monday, March 28, 2011

Aye-Aye, Ferdy

In praise of the blogger named Ferdy
Her writing is pithy, not wordy
This blogathon star
is saving film noir
by keeping our eye on the birdie

Marilyn Ferdinand (seen here with partner-in-blog Roderick Heath), aka Ferdy of the blog Ferdy on Films, is the beautiful brains behind the For the Love of Film blogathon, an annual fundraiser for film preservation. The "birdie" is a reference to the Maltese Falcon statuette, aka the black bird, which was used in the icon above as a donation link to the Film Noir Foundation during this year's successful 'thon. Due to the lack of large donors, we didn't raise as much money as last year, but there were many more individuals giving to the cause. Thanks to all who so generously contributed! And if you haven't done so, there's still time. Just click on the black bird!


  1. Stylish Blogger Award to you here. Congratulations.

  2. Thanks, Jacqueline! Gee, I've been called a lot of things, but never "stylish". Where do I go to pick up my statuette? Is it shaped like a computer monitor? (I'm vamping as I fumble around in my pockets for the list of people to thank...)

  3. Hilary, This is just lovely. I've been looking for it and you've outdone yourself as usual. Thanks for the extra plug for the blogathon!

  4. And many thanks to you, Marilyn, for all your efforts in the cause of film preservation.

  5. Hey, I just wanted to let your blog know I featured you on my "Stylish bloggers" post:

    love the concept of your site!

  6. Stop it! Stop giving me the award! I can only pretend to be humble and gracious once a day!

    But seriously, thanks.

  7. your blog is just too stylish for its own good!

  8. To paraphrase Dusty Fletcher, "I got style I ain't used yet."
