Wednesday, March 16, 2011

All Bets are Off-Putting

He's risking it all on a bet
on back-stabbing, two-faced brunette
And spinning the wheel
could mean his last meal
when the game is called Russian Roulette

Kathie Moffat (Jane Greer ) and Jeff Bailey (Robert Mitchum) let it ride at the roulette table: Out of the Past (Jacques Tourneur, 1947). Jeff: That's not the way to win. Kathie: Is there a way to win? Jeff: There's a way to lose more slowly. Image source: Hollywood Pictures and


  1. I'm the hero of Out of the Past,
    To survive it I better think fast
    This may be goodbye
    But I don't want to die
    If I do, then I'm gonna die last.

  2. Love it, David. I started to write a limerick reply here, but it turned into two, then three more, so I'll be posting them with photos.
