Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Pigeon Toe-Tagged

The stoolie gets paid for her gab
To cops about crooks she will blab
But dropping a dime
on communist slime
this pigeon winds up on a slab

Stool pigeon Thelma Ritter is saving up for her tombstone in Pickup on South Street (1953). A tale of love and honor among thieves that would have been sentimental glop in the hands of a Damon Runyon, or flag-waving anti-commie propaganda by almost anyone else, Pickup is made tough and truly moving by writer and director Sam Fuller. Pics: top: Nighthawk News; above: My Life in Movies.


  1. She wasn't on anyone's side,
    But her last words before Thelma died,
    Displayed that Ritter
    Was never a quitter,
    As she said, "Anyhow, I tried."

  2. Nice. Ritter is terrific, isn't she? That scene is sooo good.

  3. I'll always watch Ritter in anything, and enjoy it.
