Monday, April 5, 2010

Opening Daze

It's Spring, and a young fellow's fancy...
well, you know, a fella gets antsy
Sees bat, ball and glove
and thoughts turn to love
Just like when Sid Vicious saw Nancy

The saying is 'hope springs eternal'
But what if one's luck is infernal?
The chances are great
the Cubs will deflate
The start of their endings is vernal

It's sunny and 70 degrees in Chicago, opening day for the White Sox at, Cellular Field. The Cubs play at Atlanta. Here goes nothing.
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  1. Will this be the year of Go-Go Sox
    or simply another Oh, No Sox?
    A team that is trim
    with vigor and vim
    or one that is full of so-so jocks?

  2. Thanks for the shout-out, Hilary.

    Say Norm, you mind if we use your little ditty on Bardball? Remember, success on the internet is entirely measured by exposure, not money.

  3. James------My dittle ditty?
    Why, be my guest, Edgar.
    I'd be honored.

  4. The Cubs, once again, it would seem
    Have another "Ye, Gods!" of a team
    The front office confessed
    to be doing their best
    To continue destroying fan's dreams

  5. Does Apocolyte taste better or is it less filling?
