Monday, April 12, 2010

Hocus Pocus, Out of Focus

The paddle-balls bounce and careen
and actresses scrub and come clean
In matters of taste
3-D was a waste
but who wants 3-D that's serene?

Don your red and blue glasses folks, because it's 3-D Week at Limerwrecks. A whole week on fifties "depthies" is comin' at ya! Top: Paddle-ball is the rage in House of Wax (1953); Above: Jane Russell blows her bubble bath in her 3-D musical, The French Line (1954). To find our earlier limericks on 3-D, click here.


  1. "Heroines from the Age of 3-D:
    A Quasi-Clerihew"

    Phyllis Kirk
    Was prone to shirk.

    Barbara Rush?
    Hysterical mush!

    But Jane Russell
    Showed her muscle.

    ~posted elsewhere under
    the name "Chris Schneider"

  2. Thanks for the 3-D actress rhymes. i would only add this about the leggy star of The Creature From the Black Lagoon:

    Julia Adams
    outswam other madams.
