Thursday, December 17, 2009

Hinge Benefit

A secret's like locking a door
to a suite of forbidden decor
Through its keyholes we peek,
for what's hidden we seek
Intrigued, we've a need to explore

Surly Hack

You step through completely alone
A portal into the unknown
How will you survive
or get out alive
forgetting to bring your cell phone?!

Norm Knott

Secret Beyond the Door (Fritz Lang, 1948)


  1. You step thru completely alone
    A portal into the unknown
    How will you survive
    or get out alive
    forgetting to bring your cell phone?!

  2. Crap--that's much better than mine! Grrr...

  3. Now, now---it's not a competition.

    It is fun to say it out with a 1960s Dylan inflection.

  4. And what isn't? In the voice of Dylan or Ethyl Merman is always good for a laugh.

  5. Ahhh, a duet with Bobby and Ethel....guess that'll never happen.

  6. Don't forget the afterlife choir. I'm going to add your lim to the original post. I'm sure readers will agree that it slams the door on my pitiful verse.

  7. nice post. thanks.
