Ed Ulmer made films for a dime
He shot them in next to no time
From poverty row
without any dough
his movies run strange to sublime

B-movie auteur Edgar G. Ulmer spent most of his career
directing on a shoe-string , making many stylish and
eccentric works against all odds. His expressionist roots
reach back to Germany, where he worked with Murnau,
and with whom he came to America to work on Sunrise.

Pics, top to bottom: Tom Neal and Ann Savage in Detour (1945);
John Carradine in Bluebeard (1944); Boris Karloff in The Black Cat
(1934), one of the few films Ulmer made with a significant budget
(Ulmer's credit from Black Cat is seen at top). Below: Ulmer on set

Yeah, I know that's two poverty row/ no dough rhymes in a row. Say it ain't so, Joe. I blow.