Saturday, May 2, 2009


With some folks each word that they utter
arises from out of the gutter
Their every last vowel
is filthy and foul
Their mouths would melt far more than butter

Here at Limerwrecks we are often chastised for
not writing true 'blue' limericks. To that we say
"heck!" If you want the classic dirty limerick
there are plenty of other places to find them. We
love 'em too, but here at Limerwrecks we'll continue
to provide an kinder, gentler alternative, preferring
the double entendre to the explicit.


  1. Admit it, you Hack, you pose prude,
    refusing to post something rude
    But I know you better,
    your words are four lettered
    By anyone's standards, you're crude

  2. My lips never utter a curse
    Politeness I daily rehearse
    I'm sweet and demure
    Driven snow's not so pure
    I swear all this, chapter and verse

  3. Our own Little Lord Fauntelroy,
    so chaste and so pure and so coy
    He gets so upset
    at each epithet
    My god, he is such a kill joy

  4. Oh why this fixation for foul,
    obsessed with the loins and the bowel?
    Lets have an injunction
    'gainst bodily function
    If not bring a much bigger towel

  5. My patience you surely are taxin'
    Our language you should be more lax in
    Each word has its beauty
    like pee-pee and doody
    Relax, Jake, it's just Anglo-Saxon

  6. Though beauty's in many a word
    some language to others's preferred
    Is "rose" just as sweet
    to noses as "feet?"
    Is "turd" held aloft like a "bird?"

  7. Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird!
    Aloft it is holding a turd
    It scans down below
    to see where to throw
    this deeply discouraging word

  8. If cow pies flew over the moon
    no doubt faint of heart would all swoon
    But what is amiss
    with nonsense like this
    is language meant for a saloon

  9. Is this a saloon or salon?
    How long must this discourse go on?
    Discourse and disgust
    To argue I must
    To blather from hither to yon

  10. You must be an expert on blather
    you work yourself into a lather
    We write tit for tat
    me this and you that
    There's much here to do that I'd rather

  11. Tell me now, you would rather WHAT?
    Your dangling unprincipled cut
    has my forehead creased
    You could have, at least
    attempted to finish your thought
