Monday, June 16, 2008

Rhyme Crime

Chief Wiggum, fat arm of the law
On donuts from Lard Lad would gnaw
Raised Ralphie, his child
As if in the wild
Suggesting parental faux paw

The Simpsons © & TM Twentieth Century
Fox Film Corporation. All rights reserved.


  1. wow, pun AND a limerick.
    The double-lutz of rhyme crafting

  2. More like the double-klutz...the limerick being the lowest form of poetry, the pun the same for humor. How low can I go?

  3. In humor, the pun is the lowest
    But those who say that are the slowest
    In getting the gag
    They zig but not zag
    And giving it up, they then goest

  4. Well put, like a shot, Mr. Knott
    Our ridicule critics all plot
    They pick at the nits
    And throw hissy fits
    I wish the whole lot would just rot
