Saturday, June 28, 2008

Cole Shoot

Jack Cole was cartoonist complete
All others should bend at his feet
And speaking of bend
His Plas and fat friend
Were comics elastical treat
The stories have wit, twists and verve
The characters zip, drip and swerve
And then Cole did time
Cartooning crime
With comics that jolt optic nerve

The Death Patrol, Barker, Wun Cloo
And Midnight he all wrote and drew
As "Jake" his hot dames
Would fan Playboy's flames
Till one day his brains he just blew

Above: "The Death of Plastic Art" by Michael Thrush
To read more about the great Jack Cole, click here.


  1. Excuse me if I get bombastic
    In talkin' 'bout that man who's plastic
    Gee, Whizz-bang, wow-wee!
    Gosh, woo-hoo, ooh-eee!
    That Jack Cole, man, he was fantastic!

  2. It's a shame we lost such a great artist too soon to the ghosts in his heads. You are missed.

    Michael Thrush

  3. Thanks, Michael. More than any other, Cole is the comics artist whose work continues to inspire me. It was indeed a tragic loss of life and talent.
